If there is anyone out there with these fish and can see what I am trying to say could you give me a hand here please? I now just say that the Males are more “boofy” looking in the head or conversely the females have a softer shape to their head. I say sadly because I have never been able to explain it well enough to others without having a male and female to show them the difference I have never relied on the egg spots and I don’t even look at them any more, sadly though the only way I can tell is by the shape of their head. Now I believe that they were called Bulu point Zebra by the people that bread them as a trade name. You will often see them chasing and bullying fishes smaller than them. However, this nasty side is more prominent in males. Later, when stocks of the fish were found at Minos reef they also started to do it with them but the stock from Metangula were so far advanced they decided to discontinue with the Minos reef stock. Both male and female red zebra cichlids are known to be aggressive. They are notoriously aggressive so tankmates must be selected carefully, and you have to have the right male to female ratio. Second, if this is your first time with mbuna you really need to do research. I later found out that the fish were line breed from the tangerine zebra P. First of all, it needs spirulina algae in its diet. Take the bottom curve from the B and you get a P. They may also be called the Zebra Cichlid. Well it then dawned on me that perhaps the name on the bag that had been smudged also and the fish was from another location. Though some cichlids are able to be kept in a Semi-Aggressive Community Aquarium. Some time had passed and I had sent these fish to Melbourne, Perth and Brisbane, they soon popped up in Adelaide.Īs I was preparing bags for sale one day I noticed the texta smudged and the fish name was a good one after smudging but it did not describe the fish. I even got the group that went to Malawi to check it out for me. Scientific Name: Metriaclima pyrsonotos Place of Origin: Lake Malawi Adult Size: 4 - 5' Temperament: Aggressive.They may display conspecific aggression, attacking males of the same species. I searched and searched for the answer and found nothing in maps regarding a Pulu point in Lake Malawi. I was beating my head against the wall for a while but eventually found that Pulu Point is actually in Lake Tanganyika where there are no Zebras. I then started to track them down and find the location in the lake. The Pulu Point Zebra came in a few years ago (Guess who bought them lol) and when they arrived one the bags were marked “PULU POINT ZEBRA” and the ink was smudged.